B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors

SECP approved insurance surveyors, valuators and loss adjusters for Agriculture & Livestock.

Livestock risk inspection, livestock identification, livestock tagging, livestock valuation, livestock loss assessment, livestock health and mortality risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies.

Crop risk inspection, crop yield estimation, verification of cultivated crops, crop loss assessment, crop input cost analysis, multi-peril crop risk evaluation, CLIS, AYII, crop data analysis and statistical risk modeling.

Pre & post insurance inspections, pre & post loan disbursement services.

ایگرو لائیواسٹاک سرویئرز B2B

زراعت (فصلوں) اور لائیواسٹاک (مویشی) انشورنس کے منظورشدہ سرویئرز، ویلیویٹرز اور کلیم ایڈجسٹرز

B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors

B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. was established in 2018 with the vision to provide specialized services for general and takaful insurance companies in the agriculture and livestock sectors. Pakistan’s agro-based economy contributes 21% to the national GDP, employs about 45% of the total workforce, and over 70% of the population is connected to these industries. Agriculture and livestock are key sources of foreign exchange and play a crucial role in supporting other industries by supplying raw materials. In line with our commitment to the growth and development of these vital sectors, B2B Surveyors has tailored its services to meet the needs of conventional and Islamic insurance companies, financial institutions, banks and microfinance banks, NGOs, rural support programs and agriculture-related businesses since its inception.

زراعت (فصلوں) اور لائیواسٹاک (مویشی) کے شعبوں میں روایتی اور تکافل انشورنس کمپنیوں کو سہولیات فراہم کرنے کے وژن کے ساتھ سال 2018 میں کمپنی قائم کی گئی تھی۔ پاکستان کی معیشت زراعت پر مبنی ہے، زراعت اور لائیو سٹاک جی ڈی پی کا 21 فیصد حصہ ہے، جو کل افرادی قوت کا تقریباً 45 فیصد ہے اور تقریباً 70 فیصد آبادی ان شعبوں سے وابستہ ہے۔ یہ زرمبادلہ کمانے کے بھی اہم ذرائع ہیں اور دیگر شعبوں میں ترقی کو تحریک دیتے ہیں اور بہت سی صنعتوں کو خام مال فراہم کرتے ہیں۔ ان اہم شعبوں کی ترقی میں اپنا حصہ ڈالنے کے لیے کمپنی نے اپنی خدمات کو روایتی اور اسلامی انشورنس کمپنیوں، مالیاتی اداروں، بینکوں بشمول مائیکرو فنانس بینکوں اور اداروں، این جی اوز اور دیہی سپورٹ پروگراموں کی ضرورتوں کے مطابق آغاز سے ہی ہم آہنگ کیا ہے۔


B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors provides comprehensive solutions for livestock risk inspection, livestock identification, livestock tagging, livestock valuation and livestock loss adjustment. We specialize in serving both conventional and takaful insurance companies across Pakistan. Our extensive presence in regional and rural areas ensures that we meet the unique needs of our valued customers. With a robust network of registered veterinary doctors and technicians, we offer livestock health inspections with a quick 24-hour turnaround time (TAT). In addition, we conduct livestock claim surveys for insured animals within 8 hours to determine the proximate cause of animal death. Our team also provides secure access to a web portal where clients can view and download detailed livestock inspection reports, livestock tagging photographs and livestock postmortem images. We offer a wide range of livestock insurance services tailored to the specific needs of our clients in the insurance, agriculture and livestock sectors. The following products and services are available:


B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors offers a comprehensive range of agricultural services tailored to meet the needs of general and takaful insurance companies. We specialize in providing expert crop risk inspection and crop loss assessment services to help crop insurers accurately evaluate the impact of unforeseen events on crop yields. Our team is equipped to perform detailed crop yield estimation and verify cultivated crops to assess damage and losses. This helps insurers make informed decisions regarding their crop insurance policies. Additionally, B2B Surveyors offers secure access to our advanced web application, where clients can easily view and download comprehensive crop loss reports and high-quality field images of the affected crops. The web portal also allows access to essential data, including crop input cost analysis, multi-peril crop risk evaluation and detailed crop data analysis, all aimed at enhancing risk assessment accuracy. Our agriculture services also include verification of cultivated crops to ensure accurate documentation, as well as CLIS and AYII services for risk modeling and statistical analysis. Through these offerings, we provide a comprehensive solution to crop insurers by evaluating risk factors and offering insights into the statistical risk modeling of crop loss events. Whether you require detailed inspections or in-depth data analysis, B2B Surveyors is committed to delivering reliable and timely services to support the agricultural insurance industry. B2B Surveyors offers the following agriculture services,


B2B Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. helps businesses to reduce production costs to maximize profitability. B2B Enterprises has a broad network of consultants and advisors to get quality products (including livestock tags) & services at market-competitive prices.



Pakistan is the 4th largest milk producer globally and home to the world’s second-largest buffalo population. The Livestock sector plays a critical role in Pakistan's economy, providing essential income for 75% of rural households.

At B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors, we understand the importance of the livestock sector and its vital role in rural livelihoods. Our comprehensive livestock services are tailored to meet the needs of conventional and takaful insurance companies, helping mitigate the risks of livestock loss.

In 2013, the State Bank of Pakistan introduced the Livestock Loan Insurance Scheme, aiming to enhance financial access for the livestock and dairy sectors and safeguard against potential losses. B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors plays an integral role in supporting banks and insurance companies to adhere to the State Bank of Pakistan’s guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs).

With years of experience, B2B Surveyors has emerged as the leading third-party service provider for livestock inspection, tagging, health certificates, and livestock claims assessments, including post-mortem evaluations.

As of December 31, 2024, we have successfully inspected and tagged over 417,811 large animals (including cows, buffaloes, and bulls) across Pakistan’s regional and rural areas, ensuring a less-than-24-hour turnaround time (TAT) for each inspection.

Despite the challenges posed by the vast distances between rural farmers, our highly trained livestock tagging staff and extensive network ensure efficient and timely service delivery, even in remote locations.

Equipped with a modern database management system, B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors maintains accurate records for livestock tagging, inspection reports, and visual documentation, ensuring that all data is easily accessible and securely stored.

At B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors, we are committed to providing prompt, reliable, and high-quality services to our valued customers. Contact us today for all your livestock insurance and inspection needs.



Pakistan is one of the world's largest farming nations, with agriculture playing a critical role in the country’s economy. The agriculture sector is vital to both rural and urban populations, providing food and raw materials. Due to the importance of agriculture, policymakers in Pakistan rely on accurate area and production statistics to guide decisions for the betterment of the sector. Major crops such as wheat, sugarcane, cotton, rice and maize contribute over 78% of the total crop output value.

To enhance financial accessibility and safeguard the agricultural sector, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) introduced the Crop Loan Insurance Scheme (CLIS) in 2008. This initiative aims to mitigate crop loss risks and provide financial support to farmers in times of need. Each year, SBP sets credit disbursement targets for financial institutions, with over 48 institutions offering agricultural financing. Additionally, around 16 insurance companies provide crop insurance coverage to help manage risks.

In 2017, in collaboration with the World Bank, Area Yield Index Insurance (AYII) was launched in Punjab to provide further support to farmers. This scheme offers a reliable means of protecting crops from yield losses due to adverse conditions like floods or droughts. The Askari General Insurance Company (AGICO) and United Insurance Company (UIC) are offering this insurance.

B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors plays a vital role in supporting financial institutions and insurance companies to manage agricultural risks effectively and profitably. We ensure compliance with SBP guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the Crop Loan Insurance Scheme and offer expert services for:

  • Crop risk inspection
  • Crop yield estimation
  • Verification of cultivated crops
  • Crop loss assessment
  • Crop input cost analysis
  • Multi-peril crop risk evaluation
  • Crop Loan Insurance Scheme (CLIS) management
  • Area Yield Index Insurance (AYII) support

Through our expertise, we help banks and insurance companies assess crop loss and manage the risks associated with agricultural financing. With years of experience, we ensure accurate and timely crop yield estimations and support the agricultural community in Pakistan. Contact us today to learn more about our crop loan insurance services.

About Us


B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. is a leading insurance surveyor company specializing in comprehensive agriculture and livestock services for insurance providers. With over 15 years of industry expertise, our team excels in managing Agriculture and Livestock Insurance Schemes, Crop Loan Insurance Scheme (CLIS), Livestock Insurance Scheme for Borrowers (LISB), Area Yield Index Insurance (AYII), Comprehensive assessment of insurance claims. B2B Surveyors has established Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with leading insurance companies to conduct risk inspections and provide accurate loss assessments. We pride ourselves on delivering reliable and timely services, helping insurers effectively manage risks and support their customers.

بی ٹو بی ایگرو لائیواسٹاک سرویئرز (پرائیویٹ) لمیٹڈ ایک ابھرتی ہوئی انشورنس سرویئر کمپنی ہے جو انشورنس کمپنیوں کو زراعت اور مویشیوں کی خدمات کی مکمل رینج فراہم کرتی ہے۔ ہماری ٹیم کو زراعت اور لائیو اسٹاک انشورنس سکیموں، فصلوں کے قرض کی انشورنس سکیم، لائیو سٹاک کے قرض کی انشورنس سکیم، ایریا یلڈ انڈیکس انشورنس اور بیمہ کے کلیم کے تخمینہ اور ایڈجسٹمنٹ میں 15 سال سے زیادہ کا تجربہ ہے۔ بی ٹو بی نے ممکنہ نقصان کے خدشہ کے معائنہ اور نقصانات کی تشخیص اور تصفیہ کے لیے معروف انشورنس کمپنیوں کے ساتھ معاہدوں پر دستخط کیے ہیں۔


B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. brings over 7 years of extensive field experience in livestock inspection and tagging, working with leading insurance companies and takaful operators across Pakistan. Our team of highly trained and experienced livestock inspectors is equipped to deliver comprehensive inspections with a swift 24-hour turnaround time (TAT), ensuring prompt and reliable services nationwide. We specialize in the inspection and valuation of key crops such as Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane, Maize, and Cotton, as well as livestock. Our expertise in assessing agriculture and livestock risks is widely recognized and trusted by insurance companies and financial institutions alike. Choosing B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors means partnering with a company that is dedicated to accuracy, efficiency and exceptional service in managing agriculture and livestock risks.

بی ٹو بی ایگرو لائیواسٹاک سرویئرز (پرائیویٹ) لمیٹڈ کے پاس کئی انشورنس کمپنیوں بشمول تکافل آپریٹرز کے ساتھ مویشیوں کے معائنہ کا 7 سال سے زیادہ کا تجربہ ہے۔ بی ٹو بی ایگرو لائیو اسٹاک سرویئرز کے پینل پر تجربہ کار اور تربیت یافتہ ویٹرنری ڈاکٹر اور تکنیکی ماہرین ہیں جو پورے پاکستان میں 24 گھنٹہ کے اندر اندر جانوروں کا معائنہ کرنے کی اہلیت رکھتے ہیں۔ ۔ ہم فصلوں (گندم، چاول، گنا، مکئی، کپاس وغیرہ) اور مویشیوں کے معائنے کے ماہر ہیں، فصلوں اور مویشیوں کے خطرات کی تشخیص میں ہماری پیشہ ورانہ مہارت کو انشورنس کمپنیاں اور مالیاتی ادارے تسلیم کرتے ہیں۔


We will always endeavor to meet the requirements of our insurance partners by providing premium quality services at competitive prices. We will continuously improve our established systems and procedures in accordance with international best practices and continue to comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to our business activities.

We will continuously invest in processes, new technology and people to enhance customer satisfaction. Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority.

Chief Executive Officer


We will always endeavor to comply with international and national environmental legislation and regulations and we will protect the environment from pollution.

Our primary objective is to provide insurance surveyor and valuator services to achieve established targets through the continual improvement of environmental conditions for all living things.

Chief Executive Officer



"Our Aspiration" not only aim to meet the needs of insurance companies but also to provide them with added value that exceeds their expectations. "Meeting Needs - Exceeding Expectations" is our vision for the future.


We are passionate about leading the industry and are committed to delivering solutions that add value to the unique processes of our esteemed insurance partners, empowering them to overcome challenges successfully.



We believe businesses thrive by satisfying customers and honoring commitments.


We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions.


We take personal accountability for fulfilling our commitments.


We respect our insurance partners, support our team and reward their performance.


We demonstrate a strong will to succeed in the insurance industry and all aspects of our business.

Crops and Livestock Services - Blogs

B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. offers comprehensive crops and livestock inspection, tagging and valuation services to banks, insurance companies and agricultural stakeholders across Pakistan. With our extensive nationwide network, we provide reliable and efficient services, ensuring that inspections are completed within a 24-hour turnaround time.

Our livestock services cover health inspections, accurate animal identification, tagging and valuation, crucial for livestock financing and insurance underwriting. In addition, our crop services focus on assessing damage, yield estimation and insurance claims management, providing essential data to support effective decision-making for crop insurance and financing.

Whether it's livestock or crops, B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. ensures accurate and timely assessments to help our clients mitigate risks and optimize their agricultural operations.


Join Our Team To Unlock Your True Potential

Position Required Education & Experience
Livestock Tagging Officer

Education: Livestock Assistant Diploma (2 years)
Experience: 1 year (Min.)
Job location(s): Peshawar
Description: Animal ear tagging in remote areas.

لائیواسٹاک ٹیگنگ آفیسر

Education: لائیواسٹاک اسسٹنٹ ڈپلومہ (2 سال)
Experience: 1 سال
Job location(s): پشاور
Description: دور دراز علاقوں میں جانوروں کے کانوں کی ٹیگنگ


To apply, please email your updated resume at: info@b2bsurveyors.com


Head Office

Islamabad - 44000, Pakistan


+92 334 4067624

Our Key Statistics

Doctors on Panel

Cattle Inspected & Tagged

Farmers Visited

Years of Experience

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