Health Inspection, Identification, Tagging and Valuation of the Hypothecated and Insured Animals
Inspection & Tagging of Insured Animals
Tanveer Ahmed
Cattle Tagging
Livestock, a subsector of agriculture in Pakistan plays a pivotal role as the biggest benefactor to Pakistan’s agricultural value-added chain. It, over the past decade, has overshadowed the crop sector. According to a report published in 2019, it contributes 60.5 percent to overall agricultural output and 11.2 percent to GDP. It is estimated that more than 75 percent of the rural population depends on this sector. It is important to mention that Pakistan is the 4th largest milk producer and has the 2nd largest population of the buffalo in the world. All commercial and microfinance banks are financing for purchase of dairy animals. In 2013, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has also launched a scheme “Livestock Loan Insurance Scheme for Borrowers” to improve access to finance to purchase of dairy animals. Now even “small farmers” can avail the loan opportunity against their animal(s). Most of the insurance companies are underwriting livestock insurance and protecting the farmers for losses due to death of animal (natural, accidental and others). As the sector is expanding so there is a need of proper health inspection, identification and tagging of animals to facilitate banks, insurance companies, borrowers and livestock rearers. Livestock health inspection and tagging are key elements in livestock financing and insurance. It is complex activity and not the easy task to carryout inspection and tagging of animals in widely dispersed rural areas in short period of time as long distances are to travel to reach farm of insureds. In this regard, B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors (Pvt.) Ltd. facilitates banks and insurance companies as an independent third-party for health inspection, identification, tagging, valuation, vaccination, postmortem etc. The company has wide network of veterinary doctors and trained livestock inspectors to conduct health inspection, tagging, valuation and postmortem across rural areas in Punjab, Sindh, KPK, AJK and Gilgit Baltistan, the company has fully equipped back offices with experienced and skilled staff at Lahore and Islamabad to ensure prompt quality services to clients. The B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors conducts livestock inspections within 48 hours turnaround time in regional and rural areas across the country. B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors is directly and indirectly working with 28 financial institutions since year 2018. B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors is very humbled to say that we are still serving the very first client. B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors has customized the processes and services as per requirements of the valued clients. There are plenty of advantages which financial institutions can avail by the third-party services. Insurance companies are facilitated by the health inspection, identification, tagging and market value assessment of the insured animal, and most importantly to remain in compliance with the SOPs and guidelines of the State Bank of Pakistan. Other than that, a full-fledged survey and a completely maintained record by a prompt management system / portal are designed to store and retrieve animals inspections and pictures for banks and insurance companies. Moreover, the company also provides statistical analysis of inspections i.e., city-wise insureds/borrowers, types of animal, high risk areas, bank-wise/branch-wise risk, fake loans etc. Graphical analysis / charts are shared with clients on monthly basis. We care for our valued clients hence, our services save cost and time for their high priority tasks and leave this tedium aside. The need to identify and recognize a head of cattle is not only a need for banks and insurance companies, but a daily necessity for all operators along the entire supply chain, from breeders to transporters, from slaughterhouse staff to those working in markets and owners. Keeping in mind the need of modern times, B2B Agro Livestock Surveyors has introduced innovative and modern method for livestock inspection and tagging, the company has launched the digital identification system and digital age detector. So far, company is running these applications parallel to traditional identification and traceability systems and shall soon fully shift to new artificial intelligence (AI) based technology. The main advantages of the combination of new technologies, user friendly tools together with traditional systems are: Most robust method to avoid theft, fraud and identity exchanges. Facilitate identification and reduces errors during processing insurance claims.